阿里巴巴普惠体 2.0-永久免费正版商用字体下载





字体版本:Version 2.00



GB18030国标字库(涵盖简繁体):阿里巴巴普惠体2.0的 35 Thin,45 Light,55 Regular,65 Medium, 75 SemiBold,85 Bold,95 ExtraBold。

GB2312简体国标字库(不包含繁体以及生僻字):阿里巴巴普惠体2.0的105 Heavy和115 Black。




阿⾥巴巴普惠体2.0版,包含阿里巴巴普惠体中⽂文字体(指定9款字重)和Alibaba Sans Vietnamese and Thai(越南和泰文字体,指定3款字重),前述字体及包含该字体的字库软件,合称 “阿⾥巴巴字体”。

阿里巴巴字体的知识产权和相关权益归属于阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司(以下简称“阿里巴巴”), 受《中华人民共和国著作权法》及其他适用法律法规、国际公约、条约的保护。

阿里巴巴授权个人、企业等用户在遵守本声明相关条款的前提下,通过阿里巴巴指定的官方渠道下 载、安装和使用上述阿里巴巴字体,该授权是免费的、不可转让的、非排他的,用户可基于合法目的 用于商业用途或非商业用途,但不得以任何违反法律法规、政策、规章或公序良俗的方式使用。

除本声明的相关条款明确授权之外,阿里巴巴未授予用户关于阿里巴巴字体的其他权利。未经阿里巴 巴授权,任何人不不得:1)上传、发布、转载阿里巴巴字体文件;2)对阿里巴巴字体进行修改、仿 制、转换、翻译、反编译、反向工程、拆分、破解、或以其他方式试图从该字库软件获取源代码;3) 删除、覆盖或变更阿里巴巴字体中的著作权声明或其他权利声明;4)将阿里巴巴字体进行出售、出 租、出借、转让或采取其他未经阿里巴巴授权的行为。

阿里巴巴授予用户的上述授权不附带任何明示或暗示的保证,不对任何人因使用阿里巴巴字体而引发 的任何直接或间接损失承担责任。

本声明的解释、履行与争议解决适用中华人民共和国的法律。用户与阿里巴巴就阿里巴巴字体的使用 若发生争议,双方应友好协商,若协商不成,任一方有权向浙江省杭州市有管辖权的人民法院提起诉 讼。

Alibaba PuHuiTi 2.0 comprises Alibaba PuHuiTi Chinese font (9 weights) and Alibaba Sans Vietnamese and Thai fonts (3 weights each). These fonts and the font software that contains these fonts are collectively referred to as “Alibaba Font”.

Alibaba (China) Co. Ltd (“Alibaba”) owns all rights, titles and interests in and to Alibaba Font. Alibaba Font is protected by Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China, other applicable laws, regulations, international conventions and treaties.

Alibaba hereby grants any individual, business entity or organization (collectively “User”) a royalty free, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to: 1) download Alibaba Font from Alibaba official websites or Alibaba authorized channels; 2) install and use the downloaded Alibaba Font for commercial or non-commercial purpose. Any use of Alibaba Font shall comply with the terms and conditions herein, and shall not violate any applicable laws, regulations, policies, rules or public order.

Except as expressly set forth herein, Alibaba does not grant User any other rights in relation to Alibaba Font. Without prior permission by Alibaba, User shall not: 1) upload, post or repost Alibaba Font; 2) alter, modify, translate, convert, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source codes or instructions of Alibaba Font; 3) remove, overwrite, alter the Copyright Notice or any other Proprietary Right Notice of Alibaba Font; 4) sell, lease, loan, transfer Alibaba Font, or take any other action not permitted by Alibaba.

Alibaba makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, in relation to Alibaba Font. In no event shall Alibaba be liable to User for any result or improvement relating to the usage of or inability to use Alibaba Font.

The terms and conditions herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any disputes arising out of or relating to the execution of the terms and conditions herein shall be negotiated in good faith by User and Alibaba. In the event the Parties fail to reach consensus through mutual negotiation, each of the Parties hereby irrevocably consents to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hangzhou, Zhejiang.
